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You can apply to relevant publisher or investor directly with submitted game and pitch deck for review.
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Here is what Developers say
Since 2020 over 1000 games joined Global Games Pitch.
Global Games Pitch is one of the best platform happen to developers, it opens huge doors that will not only allow us to get funded but to learn more how to market and learn more on the market.
Victor John CabralNanupetz
We appreciate the hard work and effort that your team has put into building and maintaining GDBAY. Your continuous innovation, user-friendly interface, and dedication to quality have contributed to the success and growth of the platform. By providing a platform where indie games can shine, you have played an instrumental role in diversifying the gaming industry and giving a voice to independent creators.
Marina KolesnichenkoMiramixi Storyteller
As always it's a pleasure and you have the event very well organized 🙂 It was a great idea to have an expert asking questions and giving advises, very helpful!
Maja SewerynMy Pocket Blacksmith
I wanted to express my sincere thanks for your part in organizing the Global Games Pitch event. Your efforts made the event seamless and enjoyable. The quality of pitches and networking opportunities were exceptional. Looking forward to your future events and activities in the gaming industry community.
Shanny GoldschmidCurio
You are awesome at what you are doing. As an owner of indie studio I received a chance to be presented on a great platform where I can receive useful feedback. However, the strongest point is your level of communication and support. You are titans!
Vitalii RevchukFishing Stories
The platform seamlessly bridges gaps, fostering genuine connections between creators, managers, industry experts, and investors. The sense of unity GDBAY promotes is unparalleled, and its commitment to driving innovation and progress within the games sector is truly commendable.
Greg NormandGame Developer
I liked trying live pitching in "safe" environment, learning from others and having an amasing feedback from section's mentors.
Andrii DovgopolovDrone 'em all
Thank you to the terrific GDBAY Team for giving me an opportunity to present the mobile game I am developing. You have been tremendously supportive and kind, and providing me an opportunity to have a mentor was fantastic!!
Francine DuncanG.A.M.M.A. Force
Your platform has provided resources and knowledge that have become the lifeblood of my growth as a developer. The educational content, the industry insights, and the unwritten stories of success have seeped into my being, shaping me into a better, more resilient creator.
Aleksey IvashchukCEO
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